Frequently Asked Questions


Why should I get involved? 


This platform provides an opportunity for you to use your voice to influence local decisions. At Wealden District Council, we are committed to engaging with our communities on issues that really matter. From global issues like climate change, to more localised issues such as where you would like your polling station to be, we want to receive your contributions. By participating, you would be actively helping to improve your community. The more contributions we receive, the more informed our decisions will be, and the better served our communities will feel. If you would like to know more about how the Council engages with its residents, please read the communications and engagement strategy 2022.  



How will registration benefit me? 


You do not need to be registered to use Let’s Talk Wealden. As a non-registered user, you will be able to access pages and participate in many of the projects. However, becoming a registered member of Let’s Talk Wealden offers a number of benefits such as:  


  • Becoming part of the online community; 

  • Getting involved with, commenting on, and following multiple projects that you are interested in;  

  • Promoting your contributions amongst other users of the site, facilitating healthy debate 

  • Helping us to understand exactly who is using the site and their geographic location in the District, so that we can make more informed choices and target information effectively.  


I’m having trouble logging in, what should I do? 


If you have not already created an account, select the register button in the top right-hand corner of the ribbon on Let’s Talk Wealden’s homepage.  

If you already have an account with Let’s Talk Wealden, please ensure that your email and password are correct when you enter them into the sign-in popup box.  

If you need to reset your password, use the ‘forgot password’ link in the sign-in popup box.  

If you are still experiencing difficulties in logging on, then please contact us via our email, where one of the team will get back to you.  



What are the rules for online engagement? 

At Wealden District Council, we want to ensure that everyone who wants to contribute is enabled to do so. However, where contributions breach moderation rules, we will act accordingly.  

The rules are administered by Bang the Table’s moderators, and they are designed to ensure a safe and constructive online space for community engagement. The moderation rules can be found here. 

How will my information be used? 

The information collected from you during registration and sign-up will be used to:  

  • analyse and interpret site users to help meet our objectives and obligations; 

  • communicate information about engagement opportunities, events and other initiatives local to you; and 

  • respond to enquiries and otherwise engage with stakeholders. 


Please view our privacy policy to learn more about the data we collect, and how we used it.