About the Proposals
This application is for outline planning permission under WD/2023/0260/MEA for class B8 development with ancillary office space; servicing yards, van and car parking areas; new vehicular access from A22; highway alterations to bay tree lane to provide vehicular, cycle/pedestrian access; alterations to existing public footpath; associated infrastructure including highways, foul and surface water drainage works, utility services and landscaping, in accordance with the provisions of submitted parameter plans.
A supplementary proposal has been received under WD/2024/0811/MEA, which includes the provision of a roundabout junction to the A22 as an alternative means of access to serve the development submitted under planning application WD/2023/0260/MEA.
WD/2024/0811/MEA - Alternative Access
Site Area: 47 ha | No of Units: 5 | Floor-space: 86,890sqm approximately
The polygon provides a rough indication of the development area. It is not a boundary for use in any legal terms.
For a more detailed look at the site's boundaries, please refer to the application's site plan.