Mornings Mill Farm, Eastbourne Road, Lower Willingdon

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About the Proposal

The application is a Reserved Matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to Outline Planning Permission WD/2021/0174/MEA (outline application with all matters reserved except for the means of access from Eastbourne Road for the comprehensive development of a mixed-use urban extension comprising up to 700 dwellings including affordable housing, 8,600 sq.m. of employment floorspace, medical centre, school, community centre, retail, playing fields, children’s play space, allotments, amenity open space, internal access roads, cycle and footpath routes, and associated landscaping and infrastructure) granted at appeal under APP/C1435/W/22/3297419. A separate Reserved Matters application has been approved under reference WD/2024/0946/MRM for Phase 0, comprising the proposed spine road and associated infrastructure

This proposal includes:

  • 700 dwellings
  • 35% affordable housing
  • 5 employment units with 761.3 sqm of floorspace
  • Public open space and landscaping, including improvements to biodiversity throughout the site through appropriate native and species-rich planting.
  • Swales, attenuation basins, and blue corridors to manage site drainage, reduce flood risk, and enhance local biodiversity.
  • A permeable network of pedestrian and cycle connectivity through the site. Car and cycle parking in accordance with the necessary standards

Site Area: 53.35ha | No of Properties: 700 (as per Outline Application) | Affordable Housing: 35% | Employment Floorspace: 761.3 sqm

About the Proposal

The application is a Reserved Matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to Outline Planning Permission WD/2021/0174/MEA (outline application with all matters reserved except for the means of access from Eastbourne Road for the comprehensive development of a mixed-use urban extension comprising up to 700 dwellings including affordable housing, 8,600 sq.m. of employment floorspace, medical centre, school, community centre, retail, playing fields, children’s play space, allotments, amenity open space, internal access roads, cycle and footpath routes, and associated landscaping and infrastructure) granted at appeal under APP/C1435/W/22/3297419. A separate Reserved Matters application has been approved under reference WD/2024/0946/MRM for Phase 0, comprising the proposed spine road and associated infrastructure

This proposal includes:

  • 700 dwellings
  • 35% affordable housing
  • 5 employment units with 761.3 sqm of floorspace
  • Public open space and landscaping, including improvements to biodiversity throughout the site through appropriate native and species-rich planting.
  • Swales, attenuation basins, and blue corridors to manage site drainage, reduce flood risk, and enhance local biodiversity.
  • A permeable network of pedestrian and cycle connectivity through the site. Car and cycle parking in accordance with the necessary standards

Site Area: 53.35ha | No of Properties: 700 (as per Outline Application) | Affordable Housing: 35% | Employment Floorspace: 761.3 sqm



3 months

The polygon provides a rough indication of the development area. It is not a boundary for use in any legal terms. 

For a more detailed look at the site's boundaries, please refer to the application's site plan.

Page last updated: 12 Nov 2024, 08:59 AM