Ask the Leader

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The leader of Wealden District Council is Councillor Rachel Millward.

Cllr Millward will be pleased to answer any question you may have about Wealden District Council's policies, or other matters involving the council, which you think are of interest to people living, working or visiting Wealden.

Councillor Millward is the Wealden Green Group leader as well as leader of the Cabinet of Wealden District Council and represents Hartfield ward.

The response to your question will posted here so others can read it too should they wish. If we think the question is inappropriate for publication we will contact you to say why.

Specific inquiries about particular services can be reported online.

Freedom of Information queries can be submitted here

Complaints, Compliments and Feedback can be submitted here

Below is a list of the topics of questions that have already been asked which you can click on by topic. Please feel free to read our responses to see if we have already answered your question before submitting.

Please also note that in order to submit a question, participants must have an account on Let's Talk Wealden. If you do not already have an account, but would like to register one, please click here.

The leader of Wealden District Council is Councillor Rachel Millward.

Cllr Millward will be pleased to answer any question you may have about Wealden District Council's policies, or other matters involving the council, which you think are of interest to people living, working or visiting Wealden.

Councillor Millward is the Wealden Green Group leader as well as leader of the Cabinet of Wealden District Council and represents Hartfield ward.

The response to your question will posted here so others can read it too should they wish. If we think the question is inappropriate for publication we will contact you to say why.

Specific inquiries about particular services can be reported online.

Freedom of Information queries can be submitted here

Complaints, Compliments and Feedback can be submitted here

Below is a list of the topics of questions that have already been asked which you can click on by topic. Please feel free to read our responses to see if we have already answered your question before submitting.

Please also note that in order to submit a question, participants must have an account on Let's Talk Wealden. If you do not already have an account, but would like to register one, please click here.

Ask the Leader

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  • Share At this morning's meeting at Crowborough's council office, I was informed that Wealden District Council has declared bankruptcy. Could you confirm that this is the case? on Facebook Share At this morning's meeting at Crowborough's council office, I was informed that Wealden District Council has declared bankruptcy. Could you confirm that this is the case? on Twitter Share At this morning's meeting at Crowborough's council office, I was informed that Wealden District Council has declared bankruptcy. Could you confirm that this is the case? on Linkedin Email At this morning's meeting at Crowborough's council office, I was informed that Wealden District Council has declared bankruptcy. Could you confirm that this is the case? link

    At this morning's meeting at Crowborough's council office, I was informed that Wealden District Council has declared bankruptcy. Could you confirm that this is the case?

    Nick asked 2 months ago

    Dear Nick, 

    Very sorry for the late late reply with this, we didn't receive a email notification for this question. We can confirm that Wealden District Council has not declared bankruptcy. 

    Kind regards.

    Wealden District Council.

  • Share Dear Counciillor Millward, I am writing on behalf of owners of 10, 29-47 and 59-61 High Street Polegate. Our shop tenants say that the on street parking provision is being used by commuters who stay all day which is bad for their businesses. They have asked us to write to you. What would be most helpful for the survival of these busiensses is to have a maximum stay of two hours and enforcement, so that spaces do get freed up and not used free of charge by commuters. We would appreciate your support and co-operation in this matter. Many thanks Trevor Leigh Director Dependable Homes Limited on Facebook Share Dear Counciillor Millward, I am writing on behalf of owners of 10, 29-47 and 59-61 High Street Polegate. Our shop tenants say that the on street parking provision is being used by commuters who stay all day which is bad for their businesses. They have asked us to write to you. What would be most helpful for the survival of these busiensses is to have a maximum stay of two hours and enforcement, so that spaces do get freed up and not used free of charge by commuters. We would appreciate your support and co-operation in this matter. Many thanks Trevor Leigh Director Dependable Homes Limited on Twitter Share Dear Counciillor Millward, I am writing on behalf of owners of 10, 29-47 and 59-61 High Street Polegate. Our shop tenants say that the on street parking provision is being used by commuters who stay all day which is bad for their businesses. They have asked us to write to you. What would be most helpful for the survival of these busiensses is to have a maximum stay of two hours and enforcement, so that spaces do get freed up and not used free of charge by commuters. We would appreciate your support and co-operation in this matter. Many thanks Trevor Leigh Director Dependable Homes Limited on Linkedin Email Dear Counciillor Millward, I am writing on behalf of owners of 10, 29-47 and 59-61 High Street Polegate. Our shop tenants say that the on street parking provision is being used by commuters who stay all day which is bad for their businesses. They have asked us to write to you. What would be most helpful for the survival of these busiensses is to have a maximum stay of two hours and enforcement, so that spaces do get freed up and not used free of charge by commuters. We would appreciate your support and co-operation in this matter. Many thanks Trevor Leigh Director Dependable Homes Limited link

    Dear Counciillor Millward, I am writing on behalf of owners of 10, 29-47 and 59-61 High Street Polegate. Our shop tenants say that the on street parking provision is being used by commuters who stay all day which is bad for their businesses. They have asked us to write to you. What would be most helpful for the survival of these busiensses is to have a maximum stay of two hours and enforcement, so that spaces do get freed up and not used free of charge by commuters. We would appreciate your support and co-operation in this matter. Many thanks Trevor Leigh Director Dependable Homes Limited

    high street polegate asked 4 months ago

    Dear Mr Leigh,

    Thank you for your email regarding parking concerns on the High Street. I’m so sorry for the delayed response to your important question. The parking situation is, in my view, unacceptable at present, especially in Polegate. 

    The Council is aware of various parking issues affecting residents across the district and continues to discuss each issue with the local ward members. For Polegate they are Cllr Chris Primett, Cllr Oi Lin Shing and Cllr Daniel Shing. The solution is complicated by the fact that we need a uniform response across Wealden, but please also note that it is ultimately the County Council, not us, who deliver parking enforcement. As a district council we have no authority to enforce parking regulations and the current position is that car parking within the Wealden District area has not been decriminalised.

    The Alliance for Wealden, as the new party, takes the concerns of residents seriously. We had been planning to nudge things forward by investing in a first phase of public consultation, and yet in early December the government’s White Paper which announced imminent and major changes to local government have somewhat disrupted our plans. The reality now is that Wealden District Council will no longer exist if Government plans to move forward with a Unitary model. However, the timeline of this remains unclear. The Alliance remains open to working with ESCC and our communities to ensure that any approach taken is the right one, not just for the council, but critically for our residents and communities.

    Kind Regards,


  • Share Civil Perking Enforcement (CPE) in Wealden.... For several years now I have raise this issue with Wealden. Various leaders have replied, in particular when the Conservatives held the majority, their stance on it was of no interest. Back in the summer I again wrote asking what the stance was noe bearing in mind we now had a new party in control, the reply was as follows... Wealden District Council reviewed the options for On Street Car Parking Enforcement in 2017/18. A full and detailed report was written and presented to Wealden District Council Cabinet for consideration and direction. Below is the link to the decision made. The police continue to insist they will enforce parking that they consider to be dangerous, e.g. where they block junctions and visibility for other road users and also where cars block pavements forcing pedestrians into the road. However, a discussion with the relevant Wealden portfolio holder with regards to car parking enforcement and regulations will be held in the near future. I followed this up with a reply to say this is an outdated report , it is seven years old. Times have moved on and parking has got worse as predicted. I also explained that vehicles park on double yellow lines causing danger and blocking sight lines but they know there is no enforcement so basically do what they want. I also said that as we now have a Liberal MP in Mr Maclearey who is favour of CPE, what is the timescale for revisiting this issue? I did not receive a reply! The Police have no appetite or resources for dealing with parking issues and quite right to, they have far more pressing things to deal with , with limited resources and for the Council to put it on them is ridiculous in my view. Wealden is one of three areas in the whole of the country that does not have CPE, out of 326 Authorities/areas , 323 DO have CPE. As stated before there are more building developments, more vehicles, grass verges being eroded, kerb stones being destroyed & areas being blocked because of illegal parking. For Wealden not to have CPE is in 2024 a ludicrous situation to be in, as it is ignoring a revenue stream it could tap into bearing in mind we continually hear how cash strapped the Council is. So please can you give me a definitive tine scale when this will be reviewed and not send out a standard reply of the 2018 report which was signed off by a different leader and a different party. Than you Terence Richings Polegate resident on Facebook Share Civil Perking Enforcement (CPE) in Wealden.... For several years now I have raise this issue with Wealden. Various leaders have replied, in particular when the Conservatives held the majority, their stance on it was of no interest. Back in the summer I again wrote asking what the stance was noe bearing in mind we now had a new party in control, the reply was as follows... Wealden District Council reviewed the options for On Street Car Parking Enforcement in 2017/18. A full and detailed report was written and presented to Wealden District Council Cabinet for consideration and direction. Below is the link to the decision made. The police continue to insist they will enforce parking that they consider to be dangerous, e.g. where they block junctions and visibility for other road users and also where cars block pavements forcing pedestrians into the road. However, a discussion with the relevant Wealden portfolio holder with regards to car parking enforcement and regulations will be held in the near future. I followed this up with a reply to say this is an outdated report , it is seven years old. Times have moved on and parking has got worse as predicted. I also explained that vehicles park on double yellow lines causing danger and blocking sight lines but they know there is no enforcement so basically do what they want. I also said that as we now have a Liberal MP in Mr Maclearey who is favour of CPE, what is the timescale for revisiting this issue? I did not receive a reply! The Police have no appetite or resources for dealing with parking issues and quite right to, they have far more pressing things to deal with , with limited resources and for the Council to put it on them is ridiculous in my view. Wealden is one of three areas in the whole of the country that does not have CPE, out of 326 Authorities/areas , 323 DO have CPE. As stated before there are more building developments, more vehicles, grass verges being eroded, kerb stones being destroyed & areas being blocked because of illegal parking. For Wealden not to have CPE is in 2024 a ludicrous situation to be in, as it is ignoring a revenue stream it could tap into bearing in mind we continually hear how cash strapped the Council is. So please can you give me a definitive tine scale when this will be reviewed and not send out a standard reply of the 2018 report which was signed off by a different leader and a different party. Than you Terence Richings Polegate resident on Twitter Share Civil Perking Enforcement (CPE) in Wealden.... For several years now I have raise this issue with Wealden. Various leaders have replied, in particular when the Conservatives held the majority, their stance on it was of no interest. Back in the summer I again wrote asking what the stance was noe bearing in mind we now had a new party in control, the reply was as follows... Wealden District Council reviewed the options for On Street Car Parking Enforcement in 2017/18. A full and detailed report was written and presented to Wealden District Council Cabinet for consideration and direction. Below is the link to the decision made. The police continue to insist they will enforce parking that they consider to be dangerous, e.g. where they block junctions and visibility for other road users and also where cars block pavements forcing pedestrians into the road. However, a discussion with the relevant Wealden portfolio holder with regards to car parking enforcement and regulations will be held in the near future. I followed this up with a reply to say this is an outdated report , it is seven years old. Times have moved on and parking has got worse as predicted. I also explained that vehicles park on double yellow lines causing danger and blocking sight lines but they know there is no enforcement so basically do what they want. I also said that as we now have a Liberal MP in Mr Maclearey who is favour of CPE, what is the timescale for revisiting this issue? I did not receive a reply! The Police have no appetite or resources for dealing with parking issues and quite right to, they have far more pressing things to deal with , with limited resources and for the Council to put it on them is ridiculous in my view. Wealden is one of three areas in the whole of the country that does not have CPE, out of 326 Authorities/areas , 323 DO have CPE. As stated before there are more building developments, more vehicles, grass verges being eroded, kerb stones being destroyed & areas being blocked because of illegal parking. For Wealden not to have CPE is in 2024 a ludicrous situation to be in, as it is ignoring a revenue stream it could tap into bearing in mind we continually hear how cash strapped the Council is. So please can you give me a definitive tine scale when this will be reviewed and not send out a standard reply of the 2018 report which was signed off by a different leader and a different party. Than you Terence Richings Polegate resident on Linkedin Email Civil Perking Enforcement (CPE) in Wealden.... For several years now I have raise this issue with Wealden. Various leaders have replied, in particular when the Conservatives held the majority, their stance on it was of no interest. Back in the summer I again wrote asking what the stance was noe bearing in mind we now had a new party in control, the reply was as follows... Wealden District Council reviewed the options for On Street Car Parking Enforcement in 2017/18. A full and detailed report was written and presented to Wealden District Council Cabinet for consideration and direction. Below is the link to the decision made. The police continue to insist they will enforce parking that they consider to be dangerous, e.g. where they block junctions and visibility for other road users and also where cars block pavements forcing pedestrians into the road. However, a discussion with the relevant Wealden portfolio holder with regards to car parking enforcement and regulations will be held in the near future. I followed this up with a reply to say this is an outdated report , it is seven years old. Times have moved on and parking has got worse as predicted. I also explained that vehicles park on double yellow lines causing danger and blocking sight lines but they know there is no enforcement so basically do what they want. I also said that as we now have a Liberal MP in Mr Maclearey who is favour of CPE, what is the timescale for revisiting this issue? I did not receive a reply! The Police have no appetite or resources for dealing with parking issues and quite right to, they have far more pressing things to deal with , with limited resources and for the Council to put it on them is ridiculous in my view. Wealden is one of three areas in the whole of the country that does not have CPE, out of 326 Authorities/areas , 323 DO have CPE. As stated before there are more building developments, more vehicles, grass verges being eroded, kerb stones being destroyed & areas being blocked because of illegal parking. For Wealden not to have CPE is in 2024 a ludicrous situation to be in, as it is ignoring a revenue stream it could tap into bearing in mind we continually hear how cash strapped the Council is. So please can you give me a definitive tine scale when this will be reviewed and not send out a standard reply of the 2018 report which was signed off by a different leader and a different party. Than you Terence Richings Polegate resident link

    Civil Perking Enforcement (CPE) in Wealden.... For several years now I have raise this issue with Wealden. Various leaders have replied, in particular when the Conservatives held the majority, their stance on it was of no interest. Back in the summer I again wrote asking what the stance was noe bearing in mind we now had a new party in control, the reply was as follows... Wealden District Council reviewed the options for On Street Car Parking Enforcement in 2017/18. A full and detailed report was written and presented to Wealden District Council Cabinet for consideration and direction. Below is the link to the decision made. The police continue to insist they will enforce parking that they consider to be dangerous, e.g. where they block junctions and visibility for other road users and also where cars block pavements forcing pedestrians into the road. However, a discussion with the relevant Wealden portfolio holder with regards to car parking enforcement and regulations will be held in the near future. I followed this up with a reply to say this is an outdated report , it is seven years old. Times have moved on and parking has got worse as predicted. I also explained that vehicles park on double yellow lines causing danger and blocking sight lines but they know there is no enforcement so basically do what they want. I also said that as we now have a Liberal MP in Mr Maclearey who is favour of CPE, what is the timescale for revisiting this issue? I did not receive a reply! The Police have no appetite or resources for dealing with parking issues and quite right to, they have far more pressing things to deal with , with limited resources and for the Council to put it on them is ridiculous in my view. Wealden is one of three areas in the whole of the country that does not have CPE, out of 326 Authorities/areas , 323 DO have CPE. As stated before there are more building developments, more vehicles, grass verges being eroded, kerb stones being destroyed & areas being blocked because of illegal parking. For Wealden not to have CPE is in 2024 a ludicrous situation to be in, as it is ignoring a revenue stream it could tap into bearing in mind we continually hear how cash strapped the Council is. So please can you give me a definitive tine scale when this will be reviewed and not send out a standard reply of the 2018 report which was signed off by a different leader and a different party. Than you Terence Richings Polegate resident

    Terence Richings asked 4 months ago

    Dear Mr Richings,

    Thank you for your question. As you have mentioned, the Council previously undertook a detailed review of On Street Car Parking Enforcement and the Cabinet at that time did not consider that it was the appropriate option for the district and its residents.

    The Alliance for Wealden, as the new administrating party, takes the concerns of residents seriously.  The issue of decriminalisation of car parking is a complex one. Currently, the enforcement for on street parking is with the police and ESCC is the authority, which is ultimately responsible for decriminalising parking controls, not WDC. However, we are open to working with ESCC and our communities to ensure that any approach taken is the right one, not just for the Council, but, critically, for our residents and communities.

    Kind Regards,


  • Share The Sussex Express claims there are 8,400 planning consents in our area that have yet to be built, dwarfing the annual target. This is similar to the national picture and would seem to be much more fertile ground for getting houses actually built, as the arguments have been had and the issues settled. Permissions should lapse after three years. However, failing a national approach, why not locally waive the Section 106 payments for any developer who finishes their build in our area in the next three years? on Facebook Share The Sussex Express claims there are 8,400 planning consents in our area that have yet to be built, dwarfing the annual target. This is similar to the national picture and would seem to be much more fertile ground for getting houses actually built, as the arguments have been had and the issues settled. Permissions should lapse after three years. However, failing a national approach, why not locally waive the Section 106 payments for any developer who finishes their build in our area in the next three years? on Twitter Share The Sussex Express claims there are 8,400 planning consents in our area that have yet to be built, dwarfing the annual target. This is similar to the national picture and would seem to be much more fertile ground for getting houses actually built, as the arguments have been had and the issues settled. Permissions should lapse after three years. However, failing a national approach, why not locally waive the Section 106 payments for any developer who finishes their build in our area in the next three years? on Linkedin Email The Sussex Express claims there are 8,400 planning consents in our area that have yet to be built, dwarfing the annual target. This is similar to the national picture and would seem to be much more fertile ground for getting houses actually built, as the arguments have been had and the issues settled. Permissions should lapse after three years. However, failing a national approach, why not locally waive the Section 106 payments for any developer who finishes their build in our area in the next three years? link

    The Sussex Express claims there are 8,400 planning consents in our area that have yet to be built, dwarfing the annual target. This is similar to the national picture and would seem to be much more fertile ground for getting houses actually built, as the arguments have been had and the issues settled. Permissions should lapse after three years. However, failing a national approach, why not locally waive the Section 106 payments for any developer who finishes their build in our area in the next three years?

    David Goodwin asked 5 months ago

    Thank you for your suggestion David.

     We are aware that planning permissions granted across the district could, if all built out, deliver a high number of new homes and help the Council demonstrate that it is achieving when measured against government targets.

     A key reason for those planning permissions being granted is because they were able to demonstrate that the impacts of the development on local infrastructure could adequately be mitigated.

     To achieve that mitigation all new housing developments are subject to a payment under the community infrastructure levy (CIL), unless exempt (i.e. affordable housing), and they may provide either new or improved infrastructure or make a financial contribution to a specific piece of infrastructure - the latter are usually secured by a s106 legal agreement.

    Mitigating the impacts of the development on infrastructure is an important principle of planning both in terms of plan making and decision taking. Without the necessary CIL payments or s106 legal agreements the Council would not be able to ensure that those developments can be well integrated into their local areas or avoid adverse impacts across the wider District.

    So, whilst removing CIL payments and s106 agreements may well remove a cost burden and may prompt some development to be built out, it would leave the district in a poorer state with developments not adequately mitigating against their impacts. We wouldn't actually be able to approve the planning permissions in the first place either, as we wouldn't be able to recommend approval unless the infrastructure matter was dealt with.

    It is also probably worth explaining that obtaining planning permission is only one aspect of the journey to new homes being built. There's no one reason why development may stall, but issues with delivery can include land ownership matters, material costs, labour costs and local affordability issues. Many of these are beyond the influence of the Council.

    Notwithstanding the above, we are delivering for our local area. We have recently achieved a significant milestone by being able to demonstrate a four-year supply of deliverable housing - a government measure that shows we're planning for a good number of new homes. This puts us in a stronger position when it comes to considering speculative new housing development.

    We also have an action plan to ensure Wealden District Council is playing its part in ensuring new homes are being built. For more details about the action plan and housing delivery in the district please visit our website here:

    Kind Regards,


  • Share I am the Headteacher of Pevensey and Westham Primary School (BN24 5LP). I am seeking your support with managing illegal and dangerous parking during drop off and collection times near to the school. I am genuinely concerned that a pupil will suffer a major injury or worse and would like to work with Wealden Council to avoid this. I have contacted Wealden District Council previously and have been advised to contact East Sussex County Council. I have spoken to a representative from East Sussex County Council who have advised we contact the police. Our response from the police has been they have no powers to address this as there is currently no Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE). They have advised that this is something that we need to raise with Wealden District Council. We are going around in circles. Please can you be in touch to discuss our concerns as soon a possible. Many thanks. Luke Paramor 01323842297 on Facebook Share I am the Headteacher of Pevensey and Westham Primary School (BN24 5LP). I am seeking your support with managing illegal and dangerous parking during drop off and collection times near to the school. I am genuinely concerned that a pupil will suffer a major injury or worse and would like to work with Wealden Council to avoid this. I have contacted Wealden District Council previously and have been advised to contact East Sussex County Council. I have spoken to a representative from East Sussex County Council who have advised we contact the police. Our response from the police has been they have no powers to address this as there is currently no Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE). They have advised that this is something that we need to raise with Wealden District Council. We are going around in circles. Please can you be in touch to discuss our concerns as soon a possible. Many thanks. Luke Paramor 01323842297 on Twitter Share I am the Headteacher of Pevensey and Westham Primary School (BN24 5LP). I am seeking your support with managing illegal and dangerous parking during drop off and collection times near to the school. I am genuinely concerned that a pupil will suffer a major injury or worse and would like to work with Wealden Council to avoid this. I have contacted Wealden District Council previously and have been advised to contact East Sussex County Council. I have spoken to a representative from East Sussex County Council who have advised we contact the police. Our response from the police has been they have no powers to address this as there is currently no Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE). They have advised that this is something that we need to raise with Wealden District Council. We are going around in circles. Please can you be in touch to discuss our concerns as soon a possible. Many thanks. Luke Paramor 01323842297 on Linkedin Email I am the Headteacher of Pevensey and Westham Primary School (BN24 5LP). I am seeking your support with managing illegal and dangerous parking during drop off and collection times near to the school. I am genuinely concerned that a pupil will suffer a major injury or worse and would like to work with Wealden Council to avoid this. I have contacted Wealden District Council previously and have been advised to contact East Sussex County Council. I have spoken to a representative from East Sussex County Council who have advised we contact the police. Our response from the police has been they have no powers to address this as there is currently no Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE). They have advised that this is something that we need to raise with Wealden District Council. We are going around in circles. Please can you be in touch to discuss our concerns as soon a possible. Many thanks. Luke Paramor 01323842297 link

    I am the Headteacher of Pevensey and Westham Primary School (BN24 5LP). I am seeking your support with managing illegal and dangerous parking during drop off and collection times near to the school. I am genuinely concerned that a pupil will suffer a major injury or worse and would like to work with Wealden Council to avoid this. I have contacted Wealden District Council previously and have been advised to contact East Sussex County Council. I have spoken to a representative from East Sussex County Council who have advised we contact the police. Our response from the police has been they have no powers to address this as there is currently no Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE). They have advised that this is something that we need to raise with Wealden District Council. We are going around in circles. Please can you be in touch to discuss our concerns as soon a possible. Many thanks. Luke Paramor 01323842297

    lparamor asked 5 months ago
    Thank you for your question and your concerns surrounding the On Street Parking enforcement. I am aware that you have also been in contact with and received a reply to this question from our Car Parking and Facilities Manager.

    Our current policy position is that car parking has not been decriminalised and as such we have no authority to enforce parking regulations. As you are already aware, if parking were to become decriminalised this would become the responsibility of East Sussex County Council. The police will also only take enforcement action in situations where they deem parking to be dangerous. 

    I believe you have been given the contact details for your local ward member Cllr Daniel Brookbank. I will discuss this with him further but I do also recommend that you contact him so that he is aware of and can voice  your concerns to Cabinet.

    Kind Regards


  • Share I am disappointed to note that my complaint email, regarding private driveway repairs after damage caused by council refuse vehicles ignoring private access signs, dated 4th April 2024 remains unanswered as at todays date (20th July 2024); I know it was received because I have the automated acknowledgement telling me that your council aim to respond within 5 days! Perhaps you would do me the courtesy of investigating? I also note that council refuse vehicles stopped their incursion on the private driveway within a week of my complaint, so someone read it! I await your response. on Facebook Share I am disappointed to note that my complaint email, regarding private driveway repairs after damage caused by council refuse vehicles ignoring private access signs, dated 4th April 2024 remains unanswered as at todays date (20th July 2024); I know it was received because I have the automated acknowledgement telling me that your council aim to respond within 5 days! Perhaps you would do me the courtesy of investigating? I also note that council refuse vehicles stopped their incursion on the private driveway within a week of my complaint, so someone read it! I await your response. on Twitter Share I am disappointed to note that my complaint email, regarding private driveway repairs after damage caused by council refuse vehicles ignoring private access signs, dated 4th April 2024 remains unanswered as at todays date (20th July 2024); I know it was received because I have the automated acknowledgement telling me that your council aim to respond within 5 days! Perhaps you would do me the courtesy of investigating? I also note that council refuse vehicles stopped their incursion on the private driveway within a week of my complaint, so someone read it! I await your response. on Linkedin Email I am disappointed to note that my complaint email, regarding private driveway repairs after damage caused by council refuse vehicles ignoring private access signs, dated 4th April 2024 remains unanswered as at todays date (20th July 2024); I know it was received because I have the automated acknowledgement telling me that your council aim to respond within 5 days! Perhaps you would do me the courtesy of investigating? I also note that council refuse vehicles stopped their incursion on the private driveway within a week of my complaint, so someone read it! I await your response. link

    I am disappointed to note that my complaint email, regarding private driveway repairs after damage caused by council refuse vehicles ignoring private access signs, dated 4th April 2024 remains unanswered as at todays date (20th July 2024); I know it was received because I have the automated acknowledgement telling me that your council aim to respond within 5 days! Perhaps you would do me the courtesy of investigating? I also note that council refuse vehicles stopped their incursion on the private driveway within a week of my complaint, so someone read it! I await your response.

    MTownsend asked 8 months ago

    Dear Mr Townsend,

    Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in responding to your concern. I have spoke with our waste management team and they have discussed this with our contractor Biffa and have asked the crew to stop reversing into this section. Looking at Google Streetview there are several historical photos which have been taken over the years which show deterioration of the surface on the shared driveway. Generally, claims of damage with Biffa is where there is clear evidence that damaged has been caused following the bin collection, such as grass areas being driven over or damaged walls etc. Part of the reason the collection vehicle may have used this to turn around could be due to vehicles parked in the turning head (just in front of this private section) and there may be other larger delivery vehicles which have also had to use this road to turn around. Therefore, any claim for damage would need to be backed up with clear evidence that the bin collection vehicle has caused the damage. If you would like to discuss this further with the waste management team they would be able to arrange a joint visit with Biffa, our contractor, to look at this further for you.

    Kind Regards,

    Rachel Millward

  • Share Why can’t parking be de criminalised in Polegate , I offer to be a warden on a voluntary basis , the situation is just dire & causing misery for residents on Facebook Share Why can’t parking be de criminalised in Polegate , I offer to be a warden on a voluntary basis , the situation is just dire & causing misery for residents on Twitter Share Why can’t parking be de criminalised in Polegate , I offer to be a warden on a voluntary basis , the situation is just dire & causing misery for residents on Linkedin Email Why can’t parking be de criminalised in Polegate , I offer to be a warden on a voluntary basis , the situation is just dire & causing misery for residents link

    Why can’t parking be de criminalised in Polegate , I offer to be a warden on a voluntary basis , the situation is just dire & causing misery for residents

    HelenofPolegate asked about 1 year ago

    Dear Helen, 

    Thank you for this question, 

     Wealden District Council reviewed the options for On Street Car Parking Enforcement in 2017/18. A full and detailed reported was written and presented to Wealden District Council Cabinet for consideration and direction. Below is the link to the decision made. This is not currently under review.

     The police continue to insist they will enforce parking that they consider to be dangerous, e.g. where they block junctions and visibility for other road users and also where cars block pavements forcing pedestrians into the road.

  • Share This question has been previously asked but no response was received, I then emailed Cllr Partridge directly to which a response was still not forthcoming so I am asking again (3rd time lucky hopefully) Can I please ask when the council last disscussed on street car parking in Wealden and the refusal to decriminalise it which results in cars being able to park exactly where they like. A recent question asked on my behalf to East Sussex County Council resulted in the following answer, "The enforcement of parking restrictions in Wealden remains the responsibility of Sussex Police as they are outside the areas covered by Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) where the management of on street parking is passed to the local authority. We are aware that Sussex Police are not actively enforcing parking restrictions on a day to day basis unless there is an identified safety or obstruction issue, and even then only if the resources are available to them at the time the incident is reported. Discussions have taken place with Wealden District Council to help them decide if they wish to adopt Civil Parking Enforcement, as has been done in Hastings, Eastbourne, Lewes and most recently in Rother, as this is realistically the only way that resources will be available to undertake more comprehensive reviews of parking within the districts and for regular enforcement to be carried out to ensure the restrictions do not fall into disrepute. I trust that this information will be of use and interest to you." With this in mind, would it be possible for you to inform me of what department made this decision and with what rationale was the decision made ? Thank You Barry on Facebook Share This question has been previously asked but no response was received, I then emailed Cllr Partridge directly to which a response was still not forthcoming so I am asking again (3rd time lucky hopefully) Can I please ask when the council last disscussed on street car parking in Wealden and the refusal to decriminalise it which results in cars being able to park exactly where they like. A recent question asked on my behalf to East Sussex County Council resulted in the following answer, "The enforcement of parking restrictions in Wealden remains the responsibility of Sussex Police as they are outside the areas covered by Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) where the management of on street parking is passed to the local authority. We are aware that Sussex Police are not actively enforcing parking restrictions on a day to day basis unless there is an identified safety or obstruction issue, and even then only if the resources are available to them at the time the incident is reported. Discussions have taken place with Wealden District Council to help them decide if they wish to adopt Civil Parking Enforcement, as has been done in Hastings, Eastbourne, Lewes and most recently in Rother, as this is realistically the only way that resources will be available to undertake more comprehensive reviews of parking within the districts and for regular enforcement to be carried out to ensure the restrictions do not fall into disrepute. I trust that this information will be of use and interest to you." With this in mind, would it be possible for you to inform me of what department made this decision and with what rationale was the decision made ? Thank You Barry on Twitter Share This question has been previously asked but no response was received, I then emailed Cllr Partridge directly to which a response was still not forthcoming so I am asking again (3rd time lucky hopefully) Can I please ask when the council last disscussed on street car parking in Wealden and the refusal to decriminalise it which results in cars being able to park exactly where they like. A recent question asked on my behalf to East Sussex County Council resulted in the following answer, "The enforcement of parking restrictions in Wealden remains the responsibility of Sussex Police as they are outside the areas covered by Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) where the management of on street parking is passed to the local authority. We are aware that Sussex Police are not actively enforcing parking restrictions on a day to day basis unless there is an identified safety or obstruction issue, and even then only if the resources are available to them at the time the incident is reported. Discussions have taken place with Wealden District Council to help them decide if they wish to adopt Civil Parking Enforcement, as has been done in Hastings, Eastbourne, Lewes and most recently in Rother, as this is realistically the only way that resources will be available to undertake more comprehensive reviews of parking within the districts and for regular enforcement to be carried out to ensure the restrictions do not fall into disrepute. I trust that this information will be of use and interest to you." With this in mind, would it be possible for you to inform me of what department made this decision and with what rationale was the decision made ? Thank You Barry on Linkedin Email This question has been previously asked but no response was received, I then emailed Cllr Partridge directly to which a response was still not forthcoming so I am asking again (3rd time lucky hopefully) Can I please ask when the council last disscussed on street car parking in Wealden and the refusal to decriminalise it which results in cars being able to park exactly where they like. A recent question asked on my behalf to East Sussex County Council resulted in the following answer, "The enforcement of parking restrictions in Wealden remains the responsibility of Sussex Police as they are outside the areas covered by Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) where the management of on street parking is passed to the local authority. We are aware that Sussex Police are not actively enforcing parking restrictions on a day to day basis unless there is an identified safety or obstruction issue, and even then only if the resources are available to them at the time the incident is reported. Discussions have taken place with Wealden District Council to help them decide if they wish to adopt Civil Parking Enforcement, as has been done in Hastings, Eastbourne, Lewes and most recently in Rother, as this is realistically the only way that resources will be available to undertake more comprehensive reviews of parking within the districts and for regular enforcement to be carried out to ensure the restrictions do not fall into disrepute. I trust that this information will be of use and interest to you." With this in mind, would it be possible for you to inform me of what department made this decision and with what rationale was the decision made ? Thank You Barry link

    This question has been previously asked but no response was received, I then emailed Cllr Partridge directly to which a response was still not forthcoming so I am asking again (3rd time lucky hopefully) Can I please ask when the council last disscussed on street car parking in Wealden and the refusal to decriminalise it which results in cars being able to park exactly where they like. A recent question asked on my behalf to East Sussex County Council resulted in the following answer, "The enforcement of parking restrictions in Wealden remains the responsibility of Sussex Police as they are outside the areas covered by Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) where the management of on street parking is passed to the local authority. We are aware that Sussex Police are not actively enforcing parking restrictions on a day to day basis unless there is an identified safety or obstruction issue, and even then only if the resources are available to them at the time the incident is reported. Discussions have taken place with Wealden District Council to help them decide if they wish to adopt Civil Parking Enforcement, as has been done in Hastings, Eastbourne, Lewes and most recently in Rother, as this is realistically the only way that resources will be available to undertake more comprehensive reviews of parking within the districts and for regular enforcement to be carried out to ensure the restrictions do not fall into disrepute. I trust that this information will be of use and interest to you." With this in mind, would it be possible for you to inform me of what department made this decision and with what rationale was the decision made ? Thank You Barry

    Barry Carpenter asked 10 months ago

    Dear Mr Carpenter,

    Please accept my sincere apologies for the unacceptable delay in responding to your question. Our ask the leader contact form was moved from one system to another earlier this year and it appears your question was unfortunately lost in the transfer. Again I am very sorry for this.

    Let me assure that we reviewed the options for On Street Car Parking Enforcement in 2017/18 and a full and detailed report was written and presented to the Wealden District Council Cabinet for consideration and direction at that time. Here is the link to the report and the decision that was made,

    The police continue to insist that they will enforce parking that they consider to be dangerous, e.g. where they block junctions and visibility for other road users and also where cars block pavements forcing pedestrians into the road. However, a discussion with the relevant Wealden portfolio holder with regards to the car parking enforcement and regulations is due to be held in the near future. 

    Kind Regards,

    Rachel Millward

  • Share Dear Council Leader...are you going to enforce restricted parking issues on single/double yellow lines and max bay parking of 2hrs in Brook Street and High Street Polegate and surrounding roads/areas providing residents parking permits only in order to stop the continuous illegal parking by commuters, holiday traveler's and Brighton FC supporters traveling from Polegate station which is causing local traders, mothers with small children and disabled people no end of complete misery as a direct result ! Shop keepers will all close shortly and house prices are rapidly dropping as its impossible to park anywhere in the area due to parked illegal vehicles all day ! Fines and correct policing are urgently required. We have been pushing Wealden Council on this depressing matter for many years without any success whatsoever let's hope a change of party will help us all ! I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Gillian Manger 17 Brook Street Polegate BN26 6BQ on Facebook Share Dear Council Leader...are you going to enforce restricted parking issues on single/double yellow lines and max bay parking of 2hrs in Brook Street and High Street Polegate and surrounding roads/areas providing residents parking permits only in order to stop the continuous illegal parking by commuters, holiday traveler's and Brighton FC supporters traveling from Polegate station which is causing local traders, mothers with small children and disabled people no end of complete misery as a direct result ! Shop keepers will all close shortly and house prices are rapidly dropping as its impossible to park anywhere in the area due to parked illegal vehicles all day ! Fines and correct policing are urgently required. We have been pushing Wealden Council on this depressing matter for many years without any success whatsoever let's hope a change of party will help us all ! I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Gillian Manger 17 Brook Street Polegate BN26 6BQ on Twitter Share Dear Council Leader...are you going to enforce restricted parking issues on single/double yellow lines and max bay parking of 2hrs in Brook Street and High Street Polegate and surrounding roads/areas providing residents parking permits only in order to stop the continuous illegal parking by commuters, holiday traveler's and Brighton FC supporters traveling from Polegate station which is causing local traders, mothers with small children and disabled people no end of complete misery as a direct result ! Shop keepers will all close shortly and house prices are rapidly dropping as its impossible to park anywhere in the area due to parked illegal vehicles all day ! Fines and correct policing are urgently required. We have been pushing Wealden Council on this depressing matter for many years without any success whatsoever let's hope a change of party will help us all ! I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Gillian Manger 17 Brook Street Polegate BN26 6BQ on Linkedin Email Dear Council Leader...are you going to enforce restricted parking issues on single/double yellow lines and max bay parking of 2hrs in Brook Street and High Street Polegate and surrounding roads/areas providing residents parking permits only in order to stop the continuous illegal parking by commuters, holiday traveler's and Brighton FC supporters traveling from Polegate station which is causing local traders, mothers with small children and disabled people no end of complete misery as a direct result ! Shop keepers will all close shortly and house prices are rapidly dropping as its impossible to park anywhere in the area due to parked illegal vehicles all day ! Fines and correct policing are urgently required. We have been pushing Wealden Council on this depressing matter for many years without any success whatsoever let's hope a change of party will help us all ! I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Gillian Manger 17 Brook Street Polegate BN26 6BQ link

    Dear Council Leader...are you going to enforce restricted parking issues on single/double yellow lines and max bay parking of 2hrs in Brook Street and High Street Polegate and surrounding roads/areas providing residents parking permits only in order to stop the continuous illegal parking by commuters, holiday traveler's and Brighton FC supporters traveling from Polegate station which is causing local traders, mothers with small children and disabled people no end of complete misery as a direct result ! Shop keepers will all close shortly and house prices are rapidly dropping as its impossible to park anywhere in the area due to parked illegal vehicles all day ! Fines and correct policing are urgently required. We have been pushing Wealden Council on this depressing matter for many years without any success whatsoever let's hope a change of party will help us all ! I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Gillian Manger 17 Brook Street Polegate BN26 6BQ

    GillyManger asked 9 months ago

    Good morning Gilly, 

    I understand your frustrations on the parking matter at Polegate and there will be a discussion with the relevant Wealden portfolio holder with regards to car parking enforcement and regulations in the near future. 

    The council reviewed the options for On Street Car Parking Enforcement in 2017/18. A full and detailed report was written and presented to Wealden District Council Cabinet for consideration and direction. Below is the link to the decision made.

    The police continue to insist they will enforce parking that they consider to be dangerous.

  • Share Church Road is a West to East cross route used to by-pass the town centre. It is heavily used by all sorts of vehicles especially during the busy hour. It is also a heavily used pedestrian route to three schools, two churches and a preschool nursery. There are no pedestrian crossings on Church Road thus making it difficult to get to the schools and churches safely. I believe this is an accident waiting to happen. My question is why can’t two pedestrian crossing be provided one near the Gordon Road Junction and the other by The White Hart public house? I would also like to know what other Crowborough residents think about this suggestion. on Facebook Share Church Road is a West to East cross route used to by-pass the town centre. It is heavily used by all sorts of vehicles especially during the busy hour. It is also a heavily used pedestrian route to three schools, two churches and a preschool nursery. There are no pedestrian crossings on Church Road thus making it difficult to get to the schools and churches safely. I believe this is an accident waiting to happen. My question is why can’t two pedestrian crossing be provided one near the Gordon Road Junction and the other by The White Hart public house? I would also like to know what other Crowborough residents think about this suggestion. on Twitter Share Church Road is a West to East cross route used to by-pass the town centre. It is heavily used by all sorts of vehicles especially during the busy hour. It is also a heavily used pedestrian route to three schools, two churches and a preschool nursery. There are no pedestrian crossings on Church Road thus making it difficult to get to the schools and churches safely. I believe this is an accident waiting to happen. My question is why can’t two pedestrian crossing be provided one near the Gordon Road Junction and the other by The White Hart public house? I would also like to know what other Crowborough residents think about this suggestion. on Linkedin Email Church Road is a West to East cross route used to by-pass the town centre. It is heavily used by all sorts of vehicles especially during the busy hour. It is also a heavily used pedestrian route to three schools, two churches and a preschool nursery. There are no pedestrian crossings on Church Road thus making it difficult to get to the schools and churches safely. I believe this is an accident waiting to happen. My question is why can’t two pedestrian crossing be provided one near the Gordon Road Junction and the other by The White Hart public house? I would also like to know what other Crowborough residents think about this suggestion. link

    Church Road is a West to East cross route used to by-pass the town centre. It is heavily used by all sorts of vehicles especially during the busy hour. It is also a heavily used pedestrian route to three schools, two churches and a preschool nursery. There are no pedestrian crossings on Church Road thus making it difficult to get to the schools and churches safely. I believe this is an accident waiting to happen. My question is why can’t two pedestrian crossing be provided one near the Gordon Road Junction and the other by The White Hart public house? I would also like to know what other Crowborough residents think about this suggestion.

    Norman asked over 1 year ago

    Dear Norman, thank you for your question about pedestrian crossings on Church Road. I understand your concerns and would encourage you to share these with East Sussex County Council who have responsibility for highways on our local roadsThe county council would be the ones to investigate any road safety concerns and explore the option of road crossings in the locations you mention.  

    Much more information about requesting road improvements in your area can be found here 

    Councillor James Partridge

Page last updated: 02 Jan 2025, 11:36 AM