Ask the Leader

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The leader of Wealden District Council is Councillor Rachel Millward.

Cllr Millward will be pleased to answer any question you may have about Wealden District Council's policies, or other matters involving the council, which you think are of interest to people living, working or visiting Wealden.

Councillor Millward is the Wealden Green Group leader as well as leader of the Cabinet of Wealden District Council and represents Hartfield ward.

The response to your question will posted here so others can read it too should they wish. If we think the question is inappropriate for publication we will contact you to say why.

Specific inquiries about particular services can be reported online.

Freedom of Information queries can be submitted here

Complaints, Compliments and Feedback can be submitted here

Below is a list of the topics of questions that have already been asked which you can click on by topic. Please feel free to read our responses to see if we have already answered your question before submiting.

Please also note that in order to submit a question, participants must have an account on Let's Talk Wealden. If you do not already have an account, but would like to register one, please click here.

The leader of Wealden District Council is Councillor Rachel Millward.

Cllr Millward will be pleased to answer any question you may have about Wealden District Council's policies, or other matters involving the council, which you think are of interest to people living, working or visiting Wealden.

Councillor Millward is the Wealden Green Group leader as well as leader of the Cabinet of Wealden District Council and represents Hartfield ward.

The response to your question will posted here so others can read it too should they wish. If we think the question is inappropriate for publication we will contact you to say why.

Specific inquiries about particular services can be reported online.

Freedom of Information queries can be submitted here

Complaints, Compliments and Feedback can be submitted here

Below is a list of the topics of questions that have already been asked which you can click on by topic. Please feel free to read our responses to see if we have already answered your question before submiting.

Please also note that in order to submit a question, participants must have an account on Let's Talk Wealden. If you do not already have an account, but would like to register one, please click here.

Ask the Leader

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  • Share Dear Council Leader...are you going to enforce restricted parking issues on single/double yellow lines and max bay parking of 2hrs in Brook Street and High Street Polegate and surrounding roads/areas providing residents parking permits only in order to stop the continuous illegal parking by commuters, holiday traveler's and Brighton FC supporters traveling from Polegate station which is causing local traders, mothers with small children and disabled people no end of complete misery as a direct result ! Shop keepers will all close shortly and house prices are rapidly dropping as its impossible to park anywhere in the area due to parked illegal vehicles all day ! Fines and correct policing are urgently required. We have been pushing Wealden Council on this depressing matter for many years without any success whatsoever let's hope a change of party will help us all ! I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Gillian Manger 17 Brook Street Polegate BN26 6BQ on Facebook Share Dear Council Leader...are you going to enforce restricted parking issues on single/double yellow lines and max bay parking of 2hrs in Brook Street and High Street Polegate and surrounding roads/areas providing residents parking permits only in order to stop the continuous illegal parking by commuters, holiday traveler's and Brighton FC supporters traveling from Polegate station which is causing local traders, mothers with small children and disabled people no end of complete misery as a direct result ! Shop keepers will all close shortly and house prices are rapidly dropping as its impossible to park anywhere in the area due to parked illegal vehicles all day ! Fines and correct policing are urgently required. We have been pushing Wealden Council on this depressing matter for many years without any success whatsoever let's hope a change of party will help us all ! I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Gillian Manger 17 Brook Street Polegate BN26 6BQ on Twitter Share Dear Council Leader...are you going to enforce restricted parking issues on single/double yellow lines and max bay parking of 2hrs in Brook Street and High Street Polegate and surrounding roads/areas providing residents parking permits only in order to stop the continuous illegal parking by commuters, holiday traveler's and Brighton FC supporters traveling from Polegate station which is causing local traders, mothers with small children and disabled people no end of complete misery as a direct result ! Shop keepers will all close shortly and house prices are rapidly dropping as its impossible to park anywhere in the area due to parked illegal vehicles all day ! Fines and correct policing are urgently required. We have been pushing Wealden Council on this depressing matter for many years without any success whatsoever let's hope a change of party will help us all ! I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Gillian Manger 17 Brook Street Polegate BN26 6BQ on Linkedin Email Dear Council Leader...are you going to enforce restricted parking issues on single/double yellow lines and max bay parking of 2hrs in Brook Street and High Street Polegate and surrounding roads/areas providing residents parking permits only in order to stop the continuous illegal parking by commuters, holiday traveler's and Brighton FC supporters traveling from Polegate station which is causing local traders, mothers with small children and disabled people no end of complete misery as a direct result ! Shop keepers will all close shortly and house prices are rapidly dropping as its impossible to park anywhere in the area due to parked illegal vehicles all day ! Fines and correct policing are urgently required. We have been pushing Wealden Council on this depressing matter for many years without any success whatsoever let's hope a change of party will help us all ! I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Gillian Manger 17 Brook Street Polegate BN26 6BQ link

    Dear Council Leader...are you going to enforce restricted parking issues on single/double yellow lines and max bay parking of 2hrs in Brook Street and High Street Polegate and surrounding roads/areas providing residents parking permits only in order to stop the continuous illegal parking by commuters, holiday traveler's and Brighton FC supporters traveling from Polegate station which is causing local traders, mothers with small children and disabled people no end of complete misery as a direct result ! Shop keepers will all close shortly and house prices are rapidly dropping as its impossible to park anywhere in the area due to parked illegal vehicles all day ! Fines and correct policing are urgently required. We have been pushing Wealden Council on this depressing matter for many years without any success whatsoever let's hope a change of party will help us all ! I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Gillian Manger 17 Brook Street Polegate BN26 6BQ

    GillyManger asked 16 days ago

    Good morning Gilly, 

    I understand your frustrations on the parking matter at Polegate and there will be a discussion with the relevant Wealden portfolio holder with regards to car parking enforcement and regulations in the near future. 

    The council reviewed the options for On Street Car Parking Enforcement in 2017/18. A full and detailed report was written and presented to Wealden District Council Cabinet for consideration and direction. Below is the link to the decision made.

    The police continue to insist they will enforce parking that they consider to be dangerous.

  • Share Church Road is a West to East cross route used to by-pass the town centre. It is heavily used by all sorts of vehicles especially during the busy hour. It is also a heavily used pedestrian route to three schools, two churches and a preschool nursery. There are no pedestrian crossings on Church Road thus making it difficult to get to the schools and churches safely. I believe this is an accident waiting to happen. My question is why can’t two pedestrian crossing be provided one near the Gordon Road Junction and the other by The White Hart public house? I would also like to know what other Crowborough residents think about this suggestion. on Facebook Share Church Road is a West to East cross route used to by-pass the town centre. It is heavily used by all sorts of vehicles especially during the busy hour. It is also a heavily used pedestrian route to three schools, two churches and a preschool nursery. There are no pedestrian crossings on Church Road thus making it difficult to get to the schools and churches safely. I believe this is an accident waiting to happen. My question is why can’t two pedestrian crossing be provided one near the Gordon Road Junction and the other by The White Hart public house? I would also like to know what other Crowborough residents think about this suggestion. on Twitter Share Church Road is a West to East cross route used to by-pass the town centre. It is heavily used by all sorts of vehicles especially during the busy hour. It is also a heavily used pedestrian route to three schools, two churches and a preschool nursery. There are no pedestrian crossings on Church Road thus making it difficult to get to the schools and churches safely. I believe this is an accident waiting to happen. My question is why can’t two pedestrian crossing be provided one near the Gordon Road Junction and the other by The White Hart public house? I would also like to know what other Crowborough residents think about this suggestion. on Linkedin Email Church Road is a West to East cross route used to by-pass the town centre. It is heavily used by all sorts of vehicles especially during the busy hour. It is also a heavily used pedestrian route to three schools, two churches and a preschool nursery. There are no pedestrian crossings on Church Road thus making it difficult to get to the schools and churches safely. I believe this is an accident waiting to happen. My question is why can’t two pedestrian crossing be provided one near the Gordon Road Junction and the other by The White Hart public house? I would also like to know what other Crowborough residents think about this suggestion. link

    Church Road is a West to East cross route used to by-pass the town centre. It is heavily used by all sorts of vehicles especially during the busy hour. It is also a heavily used pedestrian route to three schools, two churches and a preschool nursery. There are no pedestrian crossings on Church Road thus making it difficult to get to the schools and churches safely. I believe this is an accident waiting to happen. My question is why can’t two pedestrian crossing be provided one near the Gordon Road Junction and the other by The White Hart public house? I would also like to know what other Crowborough residents think about this suggestion.

    Norman asked 11 months ago

    Dear Norman, thank you for your question about pedestrian crossings on Church Road. I understand your concerns and would encourage you to share these with East Sussex County Council who have responsibility for highways on our local roadsThe county council would be the ones to investigate any road safety concerns and explore the option of road crossings in the locations you mention.  

    Much more information about requesting road improvements in your area can be found here 

    Councillor James Partridge

  • Share The roads are in a poor state of repair in our local area, even on the rare occasion roads are resurfaced they are completed poorly leaving no improvement and in some cases making it worse. There have been large potholes on the road near Cumnor school in Danehill for 6 months that have not been properly repaired, just as a small example. When we will see road repairs take place and who is checking the quality of resurfacing as it appears to be no one at the moment on Facebook Share The roads are in a poor state of repair in our local area, even on the rare occasion roads are resurfaced they are completed poorly leaving no improvement and in some cases making it worse. There have been large potholes on the road near Cumnor school in Danehill for 6 months that have not been properly repaired, just as a small example. When we will see road repairs take place and who is checking the quality of resurfacing as it appears to be no one at the moment on Twitter Share The roads are in a poor state of repair in our local area, even on the rare occasion roads are resurfaced they are completed poorly leaving no improvement and in some cases making it worse. There have been large potholes on the road near Cumnor school in Danehill for 6 months that have not been properly repaired, just as a small example. When we will see road repairs take place and who is checking the quality of resurfacing as it appears to be no one at the moment on Linkedin Email The roads are in a poor state of repair in our local area, even on the rare occasion roads are resurfaced they are completed poorly leaving no improvement and in some cases making it worse. There have been large potholes on the road near Cumnor school in Danehill for 6 months that have not been properly repaired, just as a small example. When we will see road repairs take place and who is checking the quality of resurfacing as it appears to be no one at the moment link

    The roads are in a poor state of repair in our local area, even on the rare occasion roads are resurfaced they are completed poorly leaving no improvement and in some cases making it worse. There have been large potholes on the road near Cumnor school in Danehill for 6 months that have not been properly repaired, just as a small example. When we will see road repairs take place and who is checking the quality of resurfacing as it appears to be no one at the moment

    Sarah asked 11 months ago

    Dear Sarah, thank you for your question about the state of the roads in DanehillEast Sussex County council has responsibility for the county’s roads and has its own contractor to deal with issues such as potholes. However, in June, Wealden District Council passed a motion calling on East Sussex County Council to address problems associated with potholes across the district. This motion included asking the county council to confirm that it has undertaken an immediate and comprehensive condition survey of the district’s road network, confirm the extent of work to be carried out and set a timetable to rectify the present state of disrepair; invite relevant officers from East Sussex County Council to attend an early meeting of Wealden council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee to explain the position or ongoing maintenance of the roads; and finally to urge the county council to make greater representation to the government for increased funding for road repairs.

  • Share Dear Cllr. Partridge, I would like to ask what contact has been made by the Housing Team ( homelessness) with the one , or sometimes two, persons now very obviously living rough outside of Waitrose in Hailsham? The Councils website recently flagged the enhanced effort and contact available to help in such situations. In the current season this living rough is neither going to help the mental and physical wellbeing of these individuals nor indeed the image of Hailsham as one of the District’s principal settlements. I also cannot believe that the current visual impact of the growing array of sleeping bags and possessions sits well with adjacent retailers. In essence what real efforts are being made by the District Council to find safer, and more appropriate accommodation for the individuals concerned? Sincerely, D. Phillips on Facebook Share Dear Cllr. Partridge, I would like to ask what contact has been made by the Housing Team ( homelessness) with the one , or sometimes two, persons now very obviously living rough outside of Waitrose in Hailsham? The Councils website recently flagged the enhanced effort and contact available to help in such situations. In the current season this living rough is neither going to help the mental and physical wellbeing of these individuals nor indeed the image of Hailsham as one of the District’s principal settlements. I also cannot believe that the current visual impact of the growing array of sleeping bags and possessions sits well with adjacent retailers. In essence what real efforts are being made by the District Council to find safer, and more appropriate accommodation for the individuals concerned? Sincerely, D. Phillips on Twitter Share Dear Cllr. Partridge, I would like to ask what contact has been made by the Housing Team ( homelessness) with the one , or sometimes two, persons now very obviously living rough outside of Waitrose in Hailsham? The Councils website recently flagged the enhanced effort and contact available to help in such situations. In the current season this living rough is neither going to help the mental and physical wellbeing of these individuals nor indeed the image of Hailsham as one of the District’s principal settlements. I also cannot believe that the current visual impact of the growing array of sleeping bags and possessions sits well with adjacent retailers. In essence what real efforts are being made by the District Council to find safer, and more appropriate accommodation for the individuals concerned? Sincerely, D. Phillips on Linkedin Email Dear Cllr. Partridge, I would like to ask what contact has been made by the Housing Team ( homelessness) with the one , or sometimes two, persons now very obviously living rough outside of Waitrose in Hailsham? The Councils website recently flagged the enhanced effort and contact available to help in such situations. In the current season this living rough is neither going to help the mental and physical wellbeing of these individuals nor indeed the image of Hailsham as one of the District’s principal settlements. I also cannot believe that the current visual impact of the growing array of sleeping bags and possessions sits well with adjacent retailers. In essence what real efforts are being made by the District Council to find safer, and more appropriate accommodation for the individuals concerned? Sincerely, D. Phillips link

    Dear Cllr. Partridge, I would like to ask what contact has been made by the Housing Team ( homelessness) with the one , or sometimes two, persons now very obviously living rough outside of Waitrose in Hailsham? The Councils website recently flagged the enhanced effort and contact available to help in such situations. In the current season this living rough is neither going to help the mental and physical wellbeing of these individuals nor indeed the image of Hailsham as one of the District’s principal settlements. I also cannot believe that the current visual impact of the growing array of sleeping bags and possessions sits well with adjacent retailers. In essence what real efforts are being made by the District Council to find safer, and more appropriate accommodation for the individuals concerned? Sincerely, D. Phillips

    David Phillips asked 7 months ago

    Good afternoon David and thank you for your question.  I cannot say very much, for confidentiality reasons. We know about these two people and are working with others who can help in order to find a solution. We ask that members of the public report all rough sleepers to Street Link so that we can get them help.  StreetLink - Connecting people sleeping rough to local services (

  • Share How much Community Infrastructure Levy ( CIL) money has Wealen collected for Hailsham and also Hellingly Parish in the last year, last 3 years and last 5 years please? Where can I see Wealden’s “123” list of priorities for spending this money please? on Facebook Share How much Community Infrastructure Levy ( CIL) money has Wealen collected for Hailsham and also Hellingly Parish in the last year, last 3 years and last 5 years please? Where can I see Wealden’s “123” list of priorities for spending this money please? on Twitter Share How much Community Infrastructure Levy ( CIL) money has Wealen collected for Hailsham and also Hellingly Parish in the last year, last 3 years and last 5 years please? Where can I see Wealden’s “123” list of priorities for spending this money please? on Linkedin Email How much Community Infrastructure Levy ( CIL) money has Wealen collected for Hailsham and also Hellingly Parish in the last year, last 3 years and last 5 years please? Where can I see Wealden’s “123” list of priorities for spending this money please? link

    How much Community Infrastructure Levy ( CIL) money has Wealen collected for Hailsham and also Hellingly Parish in the last year, last 3 years and last 5 years please? Where can I see Wealden’s “123” list of priorities for spending this money please?

    D. Phillips asked 7 months ago

    Good morning D.Phillips and thank you for your question. 

    After reading through your question, I believe that this is more of a Freedom of Information request, so I have forwarded onto our information governance team to look into this. They will respond to you with the information that you require. 

  • Share A year or so ago I was so concerned about the ability to cross Church Road in the proximity of Chapel green that I contacted my Town Councillor my Wealden Councillor, twice and our MP, once. The only person that responded to my concern was our MP. My question is how would the new Town Council respond? on Facebook Share A year or so ago I was so concerned about the ability to cross Church Road in the proximity of Chapel green that I contacted my Town Councillor my Wealden Councillor, twice and our MP, once. The only person that responded to my concern was our MP. My question is how would the new Town Council respond? on Twitter Share A year or so ago I was so concerned about the ability to cross Church Road in the proximity of Chapel green that I contacted my Town Councillor my Wealden Councillor, twice and our MP, once. The only person that responded to my concern was our MP. My question is how would the new Town Council respond? on Linkedin Email A year or so ago I was so concerned about the ability to cross Church Road in the proximity of Chapel green that I contacted my Town Councillor my Wealden Councillor, twice and our MP, once. The only person that responded to my concern was our MP. My question is how would the new Town Council respond? link

    A year or so ago I was so concerned about the ability to cross Church Road in the proximity of Chapel green that I contacted my Town Councillor my Wealden Councillor, twice and our MP, once. The only person that responded to my concern was our MP. My question is how would the new Town Council respond?

    Norman asked 11 months ago

    Dear Norman, thank you for your question about road crossings in your area.  

    Without too many more details it is difficult for me to elaborate, as you specifically ask about your town council I would suggest getting in touch with them as I am sure they would be very happy to hear your concerns.   

  • Share Hello, I've emailed Polegate council regarding this but it's been ignored. On the corner of Black Path and the high street, there is an incredibly overgrown hedge. It's a mix of plants, including holly. I myself have a toddler that uses a buggy, it can be very hard to get by. I always worry she'll get scratched by the holly. This must be even more difficult for wheelchair users. I don't know who is responsible for the maintenance, but surely the council should be over seeing such things and fining anyone that doesn't maintain it. It is on a public footpath after all. I hope this finds you and it can be resolved soon. Thanks very much, Amy on Facebook Share Hello, I've emailed Polegate council regarding this but it's been ignored. On the corner of Black Path and the high street, there is an incredibly overgrown hedge. It's a mix of plants, including holly. I myself have a toddler that uses a buggy, it can be very hard to get by. I always worry she'll get scratched by the holly. This must be even more difficult for wheelchair users. I don't know who is responsible for the maintenance, but surely the council should be over seeing such things and fining anyone that doesn't maintain it. It is on a public footpath after all. I hope this finds you and it can be resolved soon. Thanks very much, Amy on Twitter Share Hello, I've emailed Polegate council regarding this but it's been ignored. On the corner of Black Path and the high street, there is an incredibly overgrown hedge. It's a mix of plants, including holly. I myself have a toddler that uses a buggy, it can be very hard to get by. I always worry she'll get scratched by the holly. This must be even more difficult for wheelchair users. I don't know who is responsible for the maintenance, but surely the council should be over seeing such things and fining anyone that doesn't maintain it. It is on a public footpath after all. I hope this finds you and it can be resolved soon. Thanks very much, Amy on Linkedin Email Hello, I've emailed Polegate council regarding this but it's been ignored. On the corner of Black Path and the high street, there is an incredibly overgrown hedge. It's a mix of plants, including holly. I myself have a toddler that uses a buggy, it can be very hard to get by. I always worry she'll get scratched by the holly. This must be even more difficult for wheelchair users. I don't know who is responsible for the maintenance, but surely the council should be over seeing such things and fining anyone that doesn't maintain it. It is on a public footpath after all. I hope this finds you and it can be resolved soon. Thanks very much, Amy link

    Hello, I've emailed Polegate council regarding this but it's been ignored. On the corner of Black Path and the high street, there is an incredibly overgrown hedge. It's a mix of plants, including holly. I myself have a toddler that uses a buggy, it can be very hard to get by. I always worry she'll get scratched by the holly. This must be even more difficult for wheelchair users. I don't know who is responsible for the maintenance, but surely the council should be over seeing such things and fining anyone that doesn't maintain it. It is on a public footpath after all. I hope this finds you and it can be resolved soon. Thanks very much, Amy

    Amy asked 11 months ago

    Dear Amy, thank you for your question regarding hedgerow maintenance along Polegate high street. All verges along the roadside are the responsibility of East Sussex County Council; Urban Highways are cut six times a year and the Rural Highways just twice. It is, however, possible that the hedgerows you have mentioned do not fall within the County Council’s remit either and it is the responsibility of the private landowner to maintain them.  

  • Share What additional infrastructure is being planned for Crowborough given the horrendous increase in housing developments by Wealden District Council? on Facebook Share What additional infrastructure is being planned for Crowborough given the horrendous increase in housing developments by Wealden District Council? on Twitter Share What additional infrastructure is being planned for Crowborough given the horrendous increase in housing developments by Wealden District Council? on Linkedin Email What additional infrastructure is being planned for Crowborough given the horrendous increase in housing developments by Wealden District Council? link

    What additional infrastructure is being planned for Crowborough given the horrendous increase in housing developments by Wealden District Council?

    PEN asked 11 months ago

    Within the last five years there have been 11 major applications approved for a total of 796 dwellings within the Crowborough wards. Of these 8 permissions have commenced.   

    A major application is defined by the Development Management Procedure (England) Order 2015 and regarding residential development means: 

    • Residential development of between 10 or more dwellings 

    • Residential development on a site area of 0.5 ha or more and the number of dwellings is unknown. 

    • Development of floorspace of 1,000 sq m or more. 

    • Development on sites over 1 ha or more. 

    • Change of use over 1,000 sq or more. 

    Each of these 11 applications is subject to a S106 Legal Agreement, which are the main method by which a development provides additional infrastructure. I have attached a table for your information of the works that are planned to be undertaken as part of these approvals. Full details of the S106 agreements can be found via the Wealden District Council Planning website, by using the outline planning permission reference number rather than the reserved matters application number listed on the table. 

    The details within the table highlight a summary of what is agreed for each development, however the planning permission itself also provides a series of conditions on how a permission must be enacted.

    Application No. 


    No of Dwellings 

    Infrastructure to be provided 


    The Millbrook Garden Centre, Tubwell Lane, Crowborough, TN6 3RJ 


    Highways Works 

    Bus Service Financial Contribution 




    Orchid Riding Centre, Walshes Road, Crowborough, TN6 3RE 


    35% Affordable Housing 

    5% Self Build Housing 

    Highways Works 

    Bus Service Financial Contribution 

    Youth and Adult Facilities  

    Car Club 

    Green Infrastructure 





    Land at Brook View, Land north of Walshes Road, Crowborough, East Sussex 


    35% Affordable Housing 

    5% Self Build Housing 

    Highways Works 

    Bus Service Financial Contribution 

    Youth and Adult Facilities  

    Car Club 

    Green Infrastructure 




    Land East Of Hadlow Down Road, Crowborough 


    35% Affordable Housing 




    Land Adjacent To Walsh Manor Farm, Crowborough, TN6 3RB 



    35% Affordable Housing 

    5% Self Build Housing 

    Highways Works 

    Onsite Equipped Play space 

    Youth and Adult Facilities  

    Green Infrastructure 





    Rockington Nursery, Blackness Road, Crowborough, TN6 2NB 


    35% Affordable Housing 

    Play space contribution for recreation facilities in Crowborough. 





    Land North Of Eridge Road, Crowborough 


    35% Affordable Housing 

    5% Self Build Housing 

    Highways Works 

    Youth and Adult Facilities  

    Green Infrastructure 





    Land At Steel Cross, Crowborough TN6 XB 


    35% Affordable Housing 

    Highways Works 

    Bus Service Financial Contribution 

    Youth and Adult Facilities  

    Green Infrastructure 

    Footway Improvements 





    Land North Of Walshes Road, Crowborough,  

    TN6 3RE 


    35% Affordable Housing 

    Highways Works 

    Children, Youth and Adult Facilities  

    Green Infrastructure 





    Land At Tollwood Road, Crowborough 


    8 Units of Affordable Housing 

    The District Council as a provider of infrastructure has very limited responsibility. Its key responsibilities lie in ensuring that any major development that is approved has appropriate infrastructure planned for as part of the development scheme. The Council is also responsible for monitoring the provision of the infrastructure provided by the developer or other strategic partners. 

    Within a development site itself, the developer will normally be responsible for delivering that infrastructure, whilst infrastructure outside the site such as Highways work will be undertaken by an appropriate provider. The following agencies are responsible for the delivery of their respective Infrastructure: 

    East Sussex County Council: Highways (local roads)Education / SchoolsPublic Footpaths and BridlewaysCycle paths, Libraries 

    NHS Sussex Integrated Care BoardDoctors Surgeries / Hospitals 

    Rail Infrastructure: Network Rail 

    Strategic Highway infrastructure: National Highways 

    Turning to the use of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Contributions, the District portion of the levy is used for major strategic infrastructure projects, the details of which can be found within the annual Infrastructure Fundings Statements (IFS). 

    The IFS sets out a detailed breakdown of both the CIL and S106 income and expenditure and can again be found on our website at Infrastructure Funding Statement and CIL Annual Monitoring Reports - Wealden District Council - Wealden District Council. The IFS for 2022/2023 will be published in December 2023. 

  • Share You set out very details of the new sports hub and advocating active lives for us all. I play bowls at Hailsham bowling club and although l understand the club have a lease for the foreseeable future there does not seem to be any provisions for lawn bowling in your plans despite the club celebrating its centenary this year. I didview the plans and model and the councillor there l spoke to assured me the future of Hailsham bowling was not Being neglected. Sorry l am not convinced. What do you say. on Facebook Share You set out very details of the new sports hub and advocating active lives for us all. I play bowls at Hailsham bowling club and although l understand the club have a lease for the foreseeable future there does not seem to be any provisions for lawn bowling in your plans despite the club celebrating its centenary this year. I didview the plans and model and the councillor there l spoke to assured me the future of Hailsham bowling was not Being neglected. Sorry l am not convinced. What do you say. on Twitter Share You set out very details of the new sports hub and advocating active lives for us all. I play bowls at Hailsham bowling club and although l understand the club have a lease for the foreseeable future there does not seem to be any provisions for lawn bowling in your plans despite the club celebrating its centenary this year. I didview the plans and model and the councillor there l spoke to assured me the future of Hailsham bowling was not Being neglected. Sorry l am not convinced. What do you say. on Linkedin Email You set out very details of the new sports hub and advocating active lives for us all. I play bowls at Hailsham bowling club and although l understand the club have a lease for the foreseeable future there does not seem to be any provisions for lawn bowling in your plans despite the club celebrating its centenary this year. I didview the plans and model and the councillor there l spoke to assured me the future of Hailsham bowling was not Being neglected. Sorry l am not convinced. What do you say. link

    You set out very details of the new sports hub and advocating active lives for us all. I play bowls at Hailsham bowling club and although l understand the club have a lease for the foreseeable future there does not seem to be any provisions for lawn bowling in your plans despite the club celebrating its centenary this year. I didview the plans and model and the councillor there l spoke to assured me the future of Hailsham bowling was not Being neglected. Sorry l am not convinced. What do you say.

    Joe asked 11 months ago

    The Strategic Projects team have been engaging with the Hailsham Bowls Club on the Community Sports Hub scheme since the project’s inception. At the early stages of design, Hailsham Bowls Club were offered the opportunity to relocate to the Community Sports Hub, however the preference from the club at the outset was to remain in situ. The Council respects the Bowls Clubs wishes, and as a result there are currently no plans to move the Bowls Club as part of the Council’s Hailsham Aspires scheme. There is currently provision of lawn bowling in the immediate area of the Community Sports Hub, with both Hailsham & Hellingly Bowls Clubs being situated nearby. The Hailsham Civic Community hall is also used for Short Mat Bowls for indoor bowling. Wealden District Council wishes Hailsham Bowls Club all the best in their Centenary year.

  • Share When will the Wealden Local planning document be available. The last information I can see on your website is March of this year. At that time you said that by autumn there should be mire definitive information, we are now approaching November and nothing is forthcoming. As with CPE, Wealden again falls short. The consequence is gridlocked roads, dangerous parking, danger to the public, developers appealing planning refusals, constant building work in certain part of the authority. The interpretation is that it is in Wealdens interest to delay this planning document for as long as possible to allow mass development. How has this plan taken so long to come to fruition, its been years! on Facebook Share When will the Wealden Local planning document be available. The last information I can see on your website is March of this year. At that time you said that by autumn there should be mire definitive information, we are now approaching November and nothing is forthcoming. As with CPE, Wealden again falls short. The consequence is gridlocked roads, dangerous parking, danger to the public, developers appealing planning refusals, constant building work in certain part of the authority. The interpretation is that it is in Wealdens interest to delay this planning document for as long as possible to allow mass development. How has this plan taken so long to come to fruition, its been years! on Twitter Share When will the Wealden Local planning document be available. The last information I can see on your website is March of this year. At that time you said that by autumn there should be mire definitive information, we are now approaching November and nothing is forthcoming. As with CPE, Wealden again falls short. The consequence is gridlocked roads, dangerous parking, danger to the public, developers appealing planning refusals, constant building work in certain part of the authority. The interpretation is that it is in Wealdens interest to delay this planning document for as long as possible to allow mass development. How has this plan taken so long to come to fruition, its been years! on Linkedin Email When will the Wealden Local planning document be available. The last information I can see on your website is March of this year. At that time you said that by autumn there should be mire definitive information, we are now approaching November and nothing is forthcoming. As with CPE, Wealden again falls short. The consequence is gridlocked roads, dangerous parking, danger to the public, developers appealing planning refusals, constant building work in certain part of the authority. The interpretation is that it is in Wealdens interest to delay this planning document for as long as possible to allow mass development. How has this plan taken so long to come to fruition, its been years! link

    When will the Wealden Local planning document be available. The last information I can see on your website is March of this year. At that time you said that by autumn there should be mire definitive information, we are now approaching November and nothing is forthcoming. As with CPE, Wealden again falls short. The consequence is gridlocked roads, dangerous parking, danger to the public, developers appealing planning refusals, constant building work in certain part of the authority. The interpretation is that it is in Wealdens interest to delay this planning document for as long as possible to allow mass development. How has this plan taken so long to come to fruition, its been years!

    Terence Richings asked 9 months ago

    Dear Mr Richings, 

    Thank you for your question. 

    Work on the forthcoming Local Plan consultation was paused in 2022 due to confirmation that the government was proposing to bring forward a series of changes to the national planning system, both through legislation and changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). While there has been some progress with the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act gaining Royal Assent, many of its provisions for the planning system rely on yet to be defined secondary legislation or changes to the NPPF, for which no firm date for publication has been set. 

    A Draft Local Plan will be considered by members of Wealden District Council early next year. A special meeting of Full Council will be held on Thursday 8 February 2024 when councillors will consider the plan with the formal Regulation 18 public consultation taking place in the weeks after the meeting. We will officially update the timetable for the Local Plan in due course now that the date for the meeting in the new year has been set.

    Wealden District Council reviewed the options for On Street Car Parking Enforcement in 2017/18. A full and detailed report was written and presented to Wealden District Council Cabinet for consideration and direction. Below is the link to the decision made. This is not currently under review.

    The police continue to insist they will enforce parking that they consider to be dangerous, e.g. where they block junctions and visibility for other road users and also where cars block pavements forcing pedestrians into the road.


Page last updated: 24 Jul 2024, 11:51 AM